Okay the “frequently asked” portion of the “FAQs” here is a bit of a misnomer. These questions aren’t frequently asked. But they’re here to avoid the whole process in the first place.
Why “Trash Panda”?
It’s a reference to a friend saying I’m like a raccoon (modern nickname: trash panda) with my late night digging through the depths of Wikipedia. Plus raccoons are cute. So why not.
Who are you?
That’s a fantastic question. Thank you for asking.
I hear you may be a lawyer. Is anything here legal advice?
Nothing here is legal advice. None of it. I’m not your lawyer, we have no attorney-client relationship, and if you need legal assistance you need to contact an attorney who isn’t an anonymous raccoon with a blog.
I don’t like a post you wrote.
Wow okay so not really a question. But it’s bound to happen. I don’t even like all the posts I write, so I couldn’t possibly expect you to do so. But it’s okay; we’ll get through it together. You can hold my hand. Deep breaths. Feel better? Good.
I don’t like raccoons.
Now you’re just trying to be hurtful.